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Our Services




Workplace Investigations

Resource Employee Relations has conducted over one hundred independent workplace investigations under Trust in Care, Dignity at Work, Protected Disclosure and Disciplinary Procedures in over forty employments across the health, voluntary, education, local government and private sectors.

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Investigation Snapshot

Organisational preparation

• Decide if an investigation is necessary
• Establish terms of reference – the rules that the investigation will follow, including precisely what needs to be investigated
• Choose an appropriate investigator

Investigator Preparation

• Draft an investigation plan
• Identify who might need to be called to an investigation meeting
• Identify what evidence might need to be gathered – and how to get it
• Contact parties involved in the matter

Investigation meetings

• Establish who can accompany employees at the meeting
• Plan what questions need to be asked
• Interview the parties involved and any relevant witnesses
• Handle reluctant witnesses or refusals to meet appropriately

Gathering evidence

• Arrange and agree witness statements
• Collect any relevant written records and documents e.g. timesheets
• Collect any relevant and appropriate physical evidence e.g. CCTV
• Adhere to GDPR

Writing an investigation report

• Plan the structure of the report – 
• Report what is likely to have happened – the balance of probabilities
• Make a recommendation where requested


• Submit the report and conclude the investigator role
• Retain the report for an appropriate period of time

Workplace Mediation


Using accredited,  qualified and/or experienced workplace mediators, we have conducted dozens of workplace mediations on an independent basis using modern and effective dispute resolution methods. 

Contact us at 00 353 1 8352549

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Mediation is a process whereby an independent, neutral Mediator(s) assists the parties to come to agreement through a collaborative process. The Mediator’s role is non-judgmental and non- directive. The Mediator is neither judge nor arbitrator and does not adjudicate or give decisions on the rights or wrongs of the actions of the parties. The Mediator supports the parties in identifying their issues and needs and in exploring how those needs can be addressed and how they might come to agreement. (Mediators Institute of Ireland (MII) Definition of Mediation)


Workplace Mediation provides a confidential and safe environment for the parties to air their issues and concerns with the other party at first hand and to hear the complaints, issues and concerns that are being made against them. The content of the mediation is confidential to the parties and the Mediator and can only be shared with a third party with the expressed permission of all parties except where natural disclosure would occur. In mediations between employees, arrangements for provision of reports to the employer will be agreed from the outset. The parties and the Mediator agree the terms of the mediation prior to the commencement of the mediation. The MII recognises that there are many schools of mediation and the MII does not advocate any one approach or process over another. The format of the mediation process may vary depending on the Mediator and the type of dispute. Sometimes there are pre-mediation meetings and sometimes the parties spend most of the mediation in the same room and in other cases the parties may never be in the same room or for only a very small part of the mediation.


Where there are pre-mediation meetings, they are generally one-on-one meetings where the Mediator meets separately with each party to explain the process, get an overview of the situation and ascertain the ability and willingness of each party to engage in a mediated intervention. If the parties are to be represented during the mediation, the Mediator may meet those parties who will attend in a support capacity at this stage, e.g. union representatives, lawyers, supporters. Where all parties have agreed to engage, a written Agreement to Mediate will be discussed and agreed between the parties and the Mediator and it will set out amongst other things that the mediation is confidential, that it is a voluntary process and that any party or the Mediator may leave the process at any time. Sometimes the Agreement to Mediate is agreed and signed before the day of the mediation and on other occasions it will be signed at the start of the mediation. Except where a third party is paying the fees of the mediation, the Mediator and the parties should agree the fees before the start of the mediation. While the parties control the content of the mediation, the Mediator is responsible for the process and during the course of the mediation will work with the parties - sometimes in joint and sometimes in separate sessions. The mediation process improves communication, narrows outstanding issues and defines areas of agreement, leading to successful resolution in about 80% of cases. Where full agreement is not reached, generally parts of the dispute are resolved, leaving fewer or less extreme differences to be resolved. 

We work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges!



Less Adversarial

Mediation is an interest-based process based on consensus and collaborative agreement.

Lower Cost

Both in monetary and personal terms, mediation is inexpensive compared to rights- based interventions.



Preservation of Relationships

Mediation provides lasting solutions where there is an ongoing relationship  & places emphasis on future interactions.


Mediation belongs to the Parties. The disputing Parties control the content and outcome of the mediation.

Creative Solutions
Mediation allows for creative solutions which may not be available in rights-based

Protection of Privacy
The confidential nature of mediation allows the Parties to negotiate freely and productively without fear of publicity.

Swift Settlement
Mediation can be scheduled soon after a dispute arises and following the pre- mediation meetings, can often be concluded in a single day.

Preservation of Options
Engagement in a mediated intervention does not preclude participation in a different dispute resolution process.

Low Risk
Settlement potential is high and there are benefits to participating in the process for

Advice  & Support

All Employees and Employers Should be aware of the rights of employees under the Employment Equality Acts

Do you need Employee Relations Advice or Support?

Over 30 years assisting Employers and Employees.

Contact us at 00 353 1 8352549
Call Us

Job Evaluation 

Independent, Professional Job Analysis and Evaluation.

Assisting organisations to meet legal and ethical ‘equal pay for work of equal value’ obligations

Establishing the relative value or size of jobs, i.e.
internal relativities based on fair, equitable and consistent judgments 

Producing the information required to design and maintain equitable and defensible grade and pay structures

Providing as objective as possible a basis for grading jobs within a grade structure, enabling consistent decisions to be made about job grading

Enabling sound market comparisons with jobs or roles of equivalent complexity or size.

Contact us at 00 353 1 8352549

About Us

Resource draws upon over 30 years’ experience in employee and industrial relations, conflict resolution and partnership.

Since 2001 we have assisted a range of large and small organisations in the resolution of employee relations issues through the use of modern dispute resolution techniques in the context of organisational change, industrial relations disputes, interpersonal difficulties and harassment.

Every member of  Resource Employee Relations is an experienced professional who brings distinct strengths and specialities to the company. We work together as team to make sure that your project has the skill sets required to succeed.
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